Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy 20th Birthday Kelsey!

Oh, the joys of being an adult! I'm in the process of buying a home for the first time, I'm leaving for California in 2 weeks, My Sister-in-law Ana and her kids are in town this week, and we have 6 birthdays to celebrate within 6 days of each other and what do I get? Jury duty!

I was supposed to appear at 8:15 Tuesday morning. I'm a very punctual person anyway, but I also didn't want to end up in trouble with the courts so I made a conscious effort to get ready and leave myself plenty of time to get there. Note to self - If I don't want to be late, don't take the freeway! Of course there was an accident on the freeway and traffic was at a complete stand still. I got off at the very next exit and rushed to the court house as fast as possible, but I ended up being 20 minutes late! Luckily they checked me in anyway and didn't say anything about my tardiness. I wasn't even the last person to show up! After about an hour they had filled all the juries for the day and they sent me home. All that stress about being late and they didn't even need me! The rest of the week was much better!

Friday was a double birthday. It was my Sister-in-law Ana's birthday (who is in town this week!) and my sister Kelsey's 20th birthday! Can you believe she's not a teenager anymore? That means my parents only have 1 left! I was fortunate enough to work the day shift Friday since both Teresa and Mariah took it off, which meant I could celebrate with the family that night! Since Bob worked later than I did, I went home to relax and wait for him. Ana and the rest of the family hadn't left for her birthday dinner yet, so I was able to wish her a Happy Birthday and visit with them. Once Bob got home they left for dinner and we went to my parents house for Kelsey's party. It was a pretty low-key affair with just my parents, my sisters, Rachel's boyfriend Mac and of course Bob and I. It was still fun though, sitting around visiting and goofing off in between Kelsey opening gifts and eating cake and ice cream. Naturally Kelsey had to have a Frozen cake with Elsa on it, in honor of her new cat Elsa. She couldn't seem to get her cat to pose with the cake though....

Elsa refusing to pose for pictures
The Elsa cake

Rachel trying to steal Kelsey's thunder

... And after Mac put her back in her place!

Our present to Kelsey. Avatar and a
Raphael ninja turtle

On Saturday we went to a superhero themed birthday party for my cousin Amy's twin boys, Cooper and Carter. Amy and her twins share a birthday this coming Tuesday, but it's easier to celebrate on the weekend. It was a really cute little party. They had the BBQ fired up so we were able to eat good food while visiting with our extended family. I feel like now that I'm an adult, I get so busy that I never see my aunts, uncles and cousins anymore so it was nice to catch up. Everyone was very interested to hear about our (almost) house, and we got to see Amy's newly finished basement for the first time.

Today it was Ana's turn. We had seen her and the kids sporadically throughout the week, but only for brief periods of time, but today was all about her. Marcie, Bob and I met her and the kids at Brick Oven Pizza where we had planned on eating together. Unfortunately we forgot the #1 rule of Utah, always check the restaurant's hours before you go, to make sure they are open on Sundays... Brick Oven was not. We made a quick back-up plan and headed to Chili's instead. After finally getting some food in us, we went to Mulligan's for some good old fashioned mini golf. It's probably a good thing that I don't get competitive at mini golf, since I really suck at it! I tied for last place with my 6 year old niece Lauren, and that was after I cheated rounding my highest scores down to 8... After turning in our clubs I tried to wear the kids out with some tag, but it back fired and they wore me down instead. We all had a really fun day.

David and Jonathon
Lauren taking her turn


*Quick House Update* Our due diligence is over and the sellers agreed to all the fixes we requested. They have already completed removal of the graffiti, tree and awning and the appliances are in working order again. They are still working on the electricity and the drain. It is now up to the bank to do their inspections and paperwork. We should be closing on July 3rd! Now it's back to the waiting game...

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