Tuesday, October 29, 2013

No Pain, No Gain

I did it! It was hell, but I finished a half marathon! I ran the Halloween Half down in Provo, which meant I got to run in a costume. Since I'm such a slow runner, I decided to be ironic and run as The Flash. Bright and early Bob drove us down to the University Mall in Orem so I could meet the buses. Then he went to waste time before heading to the finish line to meet me. I was bussed up to Deer Creek Reservoir where I was to begin the run at 7 AM. Soon we were on our way. I honestly didn't train at all after my 10K in June so I thought I would die at 3 miles but I was actually in a zone. I slowed to a walk a couple times but couldn't maintain that pace because I was sweating and that mixed with the cool canyon air and the shade would have me freezing in no time so I went back to jogging to stay warm. I was able to keep that up for the first 7 miles and I was ahead of the 2 hour pacer. Unfortunately after mile 7 my bum knee started to act up. I tried to keep pushing but by mile 10, both knees were shooting pain through my legs, my hip flexors were giving out, my feet were numb and my butt was so sore from running up and down the hills that I thought some one was holding me over a fire pit! It hurt. I knew I couldn't go 10 miles just to give up so I alternated walking and jogging trying to tell myself to just put one foot in front of the other and I was one step closer to the finish line. If I stopped chanting that to myself, I would have started crying. Finally I left the canyon, entered Provo, and rounded the corner to the park where the finish line was. Bob got a couple pictures of me before I crossed the finish at 2 hours 55 minutes. I tried to walk to him, but my legs were gone. 13.1 miles was farther than they had ever gone before, so Bob had to come to me. He helped me limp to the shade of a tree. There he gave me water and fruit while trying to stretch me out a little. I was in so much pain, and I was so happy to be done and not have to run any further that I just sobbed while trying to hide my pain from kids walking by. After stretching, Bob helped me limp over to some massage tables where massage therapists were giving free leg and back rubs. That helped a lot! After collecting my things, we went to the car and I slathered my legs in deep rub. That was the relief I needed!

Official photo by Zazoosh
Waiting for the run to start as we
watched the sun rise

It was cold
Full costume before I started
Coming in to the finish line
Best view I had all day!
I couldn't wait to get to the end
My medal for finishing
Posing with the Halloween Half Hurst
Proof I finished, and got a time of 2:55
After showering, and some more deep blue rub, Bob took me to get a steak dinner at Long Horn Steakhouse. It was worth the running, it was delicious! Finally we were off to our first doTERRA class. Only my sister-in-law Dani, niece Mimi, and work friend Antonio were able to come but it was still a good class. Dani signed up that night, and Antonio seemed really excited and wanted to know more. I'm hoping this is a sign for things to come with doTERRA.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Silver Bell (Loose)

Today I was looking in the bathroom mirror and noticed something white in my hair. It wasn't until I grabbed it that I realized it was attached to my head... That's right, it was a gray hair! It's okay though, I'm pretty sure it's just a sign of the stress I have been dealing with recently and even if it's not I will rock the gray hair if needed. After all Storm from X-Men and Daenerys from Game of Thrones rock silver hair, maybe I will even develop super powers or have dragons too! I saved the hair long enough to show Bob when he got home, and then threw it away before I could take a picture so here are pics of my gray hair icons:


This week my sisters and I also found some time to pick out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch as a sister date. We really enjoyed wandering around trying to find one that wasn't rotting, bleck!














Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Benton

Can you believe Benton is 1 year old already? This weekend we celebrated his 1st birthday! He was surrounded by family and of course Bob and I while he unwrapped presents (more like watched his mom unwrap them for him) and ate his birthday cake. I am so happy that I have been able to be around and watch him grow over the past year. He is the sweetest, cutest, happiest baby I have ever had the privilege of being around. I am honored to be your honorary Aunt Brittney, and that your mom has allowed me to spend so much time with you! Happy Birthday little man, now stop growing up!

Opening his gift from Bob and I
The bath time basketball game we bought him
The new outfit we bought him
Eating his cake like a doggie
He had a good icing goatee going
He liked the frosting enough to keep licking
his fingers

I think he likes this cake
The final product

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I See London, I See France

For a couple years now, Salt Lake City has held an Undie Run. Each year they have actually set the Guinness Book of World Records record for the largest gathering of people in their underwear, and since break a world record is on my bucket list, I have wanted to go and participate. Unfortunately my timing has always been off and I couldn't make it for one reason or another. This year my timing finally matched up and I could go! While it is the Undie Run, I was in a sports bra and spanks shorts so I felt more clothed than I would be at the swimming pool, which I have spent a lot of time at over the years... Of course the one year that I can go, the record wasn't broken.

On the bright side, the Undie Run is more than just a bunch of people in skivvies running around to set a world record. It's also an opportunity for those of us living in Utah who feel like we are oppressed by the laws that seem to only reflect the beliefs of the LDS church and not the rest of the citizens. I know most of the people who may tune in to this blog are LDS so I want to make it clear that I do not dislike the people of the church and I respect your ability to make your own personal decisions in any way you feel may reflect your best interest. As the LDS church is clear that every single person is granted the gift of free agency to make his or her own decisions, I wish the church would stay OUT of politics and allow me and other non-LDS people to do just that! While there are many laws I disagree with, this year I decided to use my voice (and my body) to protest Anti-Gay Marriage Laws, overbearing liquor laws and laws prohibiting the use of MEDICAL marijuana. We painted our view points on our bodies and then ran from Library Square, past Temple Square and up to the Capital. After a couple quick photos on the Capital steps, we ran back to Library Square. It was a fun way to protest an uptight state and the overbearing laws imposed on us.
Me, Corrin, Sarah and Heather
Sarah and I in front of the Capital
Jordan, me, Heather, Sarah and Joey
Corrin, Sarah and I
Jordan, Heather and Joey
Sarah and I
Sarah, Me, Corrin and her friend
I would also like to note that I'm grateful I live somewhere that does allow me to peacefully protest my views even if they aren't the views of the public. I know I can choose to leave the state, but I grew up in Utah and all my closest family members and friends are here. I would rather feel oppressed but surrounded by the ones I love than to be free and alone. I also want to thank the SLC Unified Police Department for making sure runners stayed safe and being polite, professional and many times even friendly to the protesters rather than looking down upon us, or trying to break up the protest. I know many countries don't have that same freedom.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Celebrating 1 Year Down, Only a Life Time To Go

I needed a vacation. Bob needed a vacation. It was our first anniversary as a married couple, so what better excuse could there be to take a vacation? After some back and forth on where we each wanted to go and where our money would allow us to go, we settled on Washington and Oregon. Since we wanted to spend our actual anniversary in Seaside, OR and Seattle, WA instead of driving through Idaho, we left a couple days early. The first day was largely uneventful. We spent most of the time driving with only pit stops for food, bathrooms and gas for the car. The first night we crossed the border into Oregon and then stopped at a truck stop to sleep, in our car. Bob thought it would be a fun adventure, I just tossed and turned... Not the most romantic part of the trip but worth it to save money for the fun cities.
Snacks for the car ride
Leaving good old Utah
Proof that you aren't in Utah, in case the sign wasn't enough
Pretty lake on our drive
Cool bridge that is raised to let boats through
Oregon Mountains
All this greenery is just a glimpse into what we would see
The next day we hit the road again. We were in Portland just before noon, so we stopped for lunch. Turned out our sandwich shop shared a parking lot with Voodoo Donuts, so we had to take advantage of our good fortune and get donuts for dessert. They were delicious of course! Then it was back to the road, or so we hoped. Turns out Portland streets are horrible! There are a lot of one way streets, and a lot of streets with "No left turn" signs so while we could see the freeway, we couldn't actually get to it! We probably drove in circles for an hour trying to get on the right freeway, and I can definitely tell you that I won't be moving there anytime soon. Finally we made it to Seaside, OR. It's a cute little beach town and we enjoyed driving around looking at the cute houses and main road before checking into our hotel. After checking in, and settling in, we took a nice walk down to the beach where we played until the sun went down. Then we headed to the boardwalk and browsed the shops on our way back to our hotel. Once back, we played in the pool and hot tub until we were too tired to stay up any longer and hit the hay.

You can buy a coffin full of donut, who knew?
Bobby's giant bear claw
My Reese's peanut butter cup donut
Voodoo Doughnut!
I'm in love
I think Bob is as well
Only in Portland
View of the outlet river into the ocean
from our hotel room
Our room
Our room was supposed to cost how much? We didn't even pay a quarter
of that price...
Bob's pretty happy with our hotel choice, and savings
Welcome to Seaside Beach
Bob at the Seaside Beach
Me at the Seaside beach
Reflecting on life.... Or just keeping the sun out of his eyes
Bob and Brittney 1 Year
Drawing pictures in the sand for me
Bobby loves me too!
A huge dead jelly fish washed up on the beach
Our sandcastle
Enjoying the beach

Walking out to test the water
The water was cold at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly
Ditching the dress to brave the waters full on!
Trying to get the sunset in the picture
with us
The fog started rolling in just before sunset
Bob taking pictures of me taking pictures
The sunset on the beach. This is the picture I was taking.
More of the pics I was taking of the sunset
Beautiful sunset
This is the life
Lewis and Clark monument overlooking the beach
A whale skeleton in the aquarium window
Ferris wheel on Main street
Starfish connected to street lamps on Main street
Arcade on Main Street
Diner on Main street
The next morning was our anniversary. Bob woke me up to let me know he had a quick errand to run so he would be back in an hour or so. While he was out, I packed up our bags and got ready for the day. When my hubby got back he had long stem red roses in a gorgeous bouquet, as well as a cute little pink parka, a new hat he had crocheted for me, and a couple other cute little odds and ends. I didn't think the parka would be necessary since we had seen only sunshine and blue skies so far, but as soon as he brought it to me the rain started! After a quick breakfast and checking out of our hotel, we were on our way to Seattle! After checking in to a new hotel and settling in again, we went to one of the best rated restaurants in Seattle (according to Yelp!) called "Bizarro's". They don't take reservations or call aheads but they were already on an hour wait when we got there so we went to the bar next door for some drinks while we waited. The bar had the best lemon drops ever! Finally we got a call letting us know our table was ready. The restaurant was aptly named, as the decor was very bizarre. There were tables hanging from the ceiling with the full makings of a tea party glued to it, there were decorations from every culture, and everything from kid toys to grandma's afghan. Every inch of the place was covered, but it was pretty cool! I ordered "The Cow" which was essentially the best steak I have ever had sliced on a bed of arugula and topped with goat cheese butter. It was the best food I have ever had! Bob got the lasagna, and he seemed to think it was the best lasagna ever made as well. We finished up with some Girl Scout Thin Mint ice cream, which really tasted like the cookies without any cookies actually in it. After dinner, Bob and I did some night sight seeing and went back to our hotel.
Hubby of one year!
My flowers
My beautiful roses
The hat Bob made me for our anniversary (it's an owl)
Driving through the rain to Seattle
Bridge our of Oregon and into Washington
Coming out of a tunnel to nothing but green
Soaking wet and still smiling
On the side of the road playing in the rain
Blowing kisses to my man
Finally enjoying the rain
Pit stop to play in the rain
Seattle skyline
Go Sea hawks!
Go Seahawks!
Seattle sky scrapers
Bob waiting for his food
He is so excited to be here!
A sample of the decorations hanging from the ceiling
Anniversary dinner
This was under the glass of our table
This note was under the glass of our table as well.
My food is really good!
My meal
This was in the bathroom and the radio just
kept saying random hobo names, I wish I
could remember them, because I was
thoroughly entertained the entire time I was
in there!
Girl Scouts Thin Mint ice cream
The next morning we headed back into the heart of the city to sight see again. We stopped at the Pier but the rain was coming down pretty hard so we didn't get to ride the Ferris wheel or spend much time there. Instead we made our way to Pike's Place market where we got to window shop, browse through a wide array of unique stores and watch the fishermen toss fish to each other. Finally we headed to the space needle. We were going to eat at the top of the tower but they were having a special event and had tripled the price of their normal food. Instead we had food in the food court where there was an art exhibit set up, so we browsed for a while. Luckily by the time we made it to the top of the Space Needle, the rain had stopped and it was just very, very windy! After taking in the view, we headed to the Science Museum next door. We spent hours wandering through the maze of exhibits, most of which were hands on so they were really fun and interesting. Finally it was time to head for Olympia to visit my sister-in-law Ana and her kids. Ana met us at a cute little Italian restaurant were she bought us dinner and we visited for a bit before heading to her house where her kids had set up a Welcome/Anniversary party for us. We spent hours playing, and catching up before we all hit the hay.
Fountain on the pier
Pretending to swim away from the giant lobster
Bob and I would like a giant piggy bank like this one,
but only if it comes full of money
Bob playing with the statues
Sometimes Bob can be a little....crabby! haha
Gum wall
Poster wall
Soaking wet, but still smiling with my hubby
Fish display in the Fish Market portion of Pike's Place
Picking a fish to throw
Tossing the fish behind the counter
Getting ready to catch a fish
The fish is blurry, but he caught it!
Bobby and the dolphins
A little touch from home! The Spaghetti Factory!
The space needle
Standing in front of the space needle
The original sketch of the Space Needle, on a napkin...
It's really windy, but he is a good sport and poses for me anyway
See how windy it was?
We are on top of the world, or at least it feels that way
My sweet man
Madly in love
Seattle skyline and harbor
View of the harbor
Bob and I on top of the space needle
This is how high up we are
The Seattle skyline from the top of the space needle
On top of the Space needle
The tourist pic they give you if you go to the top of the Space Needle
T-Rex skull
Bob's hand vs T-Rex foot
What I would weigh on other planets
What Bob would weigh on other planets
I'm scared of being eaten by giant praying mantis'
Yes, Bob is holding a cockroach. I didn't touch it.
The butterfly room was closed, but we could see through the window
Weird half lizard, half fish
In the wind simulator (it got up to 78 mph)
We have hot faces
This is a photo of what my face would look like if it was the same on
both sides... I look like I have 1970's hair.
Bobs face if it was the same on both sides
Some of the leaves I picked up while at the
Space needle
Jonathon at the Italian restaurant rocking
my hat
The anniversary party had a pirate theme
Bobby the blind pirate
Lolli trying to figure out how to blow up
And she got it!
So she made them hair decorations
And I had to join in!
Lauren didn't understand why I don't like birds and wanted me to hold it
So I did
That devious look is the bird deciding it was
going to fly at my face about half a second after
I took this pic
Someone found my camera...

Already trying out her duck face...

In the morning after a silly string fight with the kids, breakfast and some long, sad good-bye's, Bob and I were heading home. We spent the entire day driving stopping only for food, bathrooms and gas again. I had my camera out taking pictures all the way back and we spent a lot of time day dreaming of moving to either Seaside or Seattle since we loved every second we were in each one, and talking about how much we missed our pets and couldn't wait to cuddle some kitties. Finally 16 hours later, we pulled into the driveway and all too soon our long awaited vacation was over!

Taking in the scenery on our drive home
I will miss you Washington and Oregon, we just don't have this kind of
greenery in Utah, even in the mountains

A tree farm