Monday, February 25, 2013

A Proud Coach!

As some of you may know, I am a swimmer. For several years I took advantage of that by becoming a life guard, swim teacher and eventually a swim coach for KYAT (Kearns Youth Aquatic Team). This Saturday I had the wonderful oppertunity to go watch one of the little girls I taught in swim lessons and coached on KYAT do her very first swim meet! She did AMAZING! I was so proud of her. There were a lot of people competing, most of which were older than Meridien by a year or two, and she was extremely nervous, but she still managed to qualify for state in 5 of her 7 events. Here were the end results:

50 Back ~ 1st in her race, 1st in her event with state qualifying time
50 Free ~ 1st in her race, 8th in her event
100 Breast ~ 1st in her race, 4th in her event with state qualifying time
100 Back ~ 1st in her race, 1st in her event with state qualifying time
50 Fly ~ 1st in her race, 5th in her event (missed state qualification by fractions of a second)
100 Free ~ 1st in her race, 4th in her event with state qualifying time
50 Breast ~ 1st in her race, 4th in her event with state qualifying time


Meridien ready for her first race
Take your mark!

All that's left after her start

Side view of her backstroke

Front view of her backstroke

My favorite little swimmer!


Meridien's fly

Close up of her Fly!


Take your mark

Swimming her free, notice no one else in sight? She is that
far ahead!


I taught her breaststroke, now she is better at it then me...

Did I mention KYAT won the meet too?

Meridien and Katelyn standing with the trophy
and some of the current coaches

Part of Meridien's cheering squad, me and my
sister Rachel
Our little swim superstar Meridien

Meridien's little sister, and my assistant
coach, Caelyn

Monday, February 18, 2013

Finding Nemo

Oh My! What another FABULOUS weekend! On Saturday, one of my best friends, Chelsea needed someone to watch her 4 month old son Benton. I had a few plans for the day, but he is such a well behaved baby, and my honorary nephew, so how could I say no? I picked Benton up, as well as my parents and it was off for our first stop of the day, Leatherbyes! I lost a bet to my dad about how low gas prices would go, and we always bet ice cream sundays, plus who wouldn't want to go to Leatherbyes? After a nice lunch, Benton and I picked up Bob at the house and headed to Sam and Tessa's house for Katie's Quincenera party. I was one of Katie's "Dumas" which pretty much meant I was acting like a bridesmaid. I had a bouquet and had to walk into the room before Katie made her appearance, and then I had to present her with a gift. Bob got in on the action too, Sam was working out in the garage so Bob was told he had to do the shoe ceremony (basically taking her shoes and presenting her with new ones to signify her being a woman.) Then the kids went back to running, playing and general rough housing again. Benton loved being surrounded by so many running, screaming kids so he would stand, bounce, kick and squeal for the first 2 hours we were there. Then he wore himself out and got a little grumpy but a nice full bottle and a nap during the car ride home cured him pretty quick! After the party we met up with Chelsea and Garrett at the Pie Pizzeria for a double date and to give Benton back to his parents. Surprise! Chelsea's little sister Lindsay tagged along and bought everyone cinnamon bread as well. We had a lot of fun!
Katie and her "Dumas"
Katie all made up for her party

Katie with all her gifts

Katie about to throw her bouquet of flowers
Katie throwing her bouquet to all the kids below

Robert caught the bouquet

Robert had to fend off Mimi, who was trying to steal the bouquet

On Sunday I somehow convinced Bob to get out of bed and leave his video games to accompany me to the mall to go boot shopping. Forever Young was having a buy one pair get another pair free sale, and I couldn't pass that up! After a decent amount of time, and a dozen pairs of boots later, I finally decided which boots I wanted. While there, my best friend Sarah called, and wanted to know if we would meet her for brunch at Marketstreet Grill and Oyster Bar. I can't really say no to a steak sandwich so of course we said yes! It was a lot of fun sitting at the bar with Sarah, Heather and Brian for some great food and some laughs. Then Sarah accompanied Bob and I to the Aquarium. I've been to Seaworld before but never our little Utah Aquarium, so I was excited to see what it was like. Needless to say it's a bit smaller than Seaworld, and the sharks are itty bitty, but there were still a lot of interesting things to see, and great company to explore with! I had a blast! To finish off the day, Bob and I made some fresh chocolate chip cookies and picked up some Domino's pizza to take to Shelby's house for the Walking Dead, after the show we all just hung out and had a few laughs. It was a great way to end another wonderful weekend! So far 2013 is starting to shape into a great year!

Sarah about to buy everyone souvenir coins
Sarah picking out what sea creature she
wants on her penny
I got two! A sea horse and a sea turtle!
Bob acting like I'm going to steal his penny....
Sarah the shark eating me and my penguin!

Some weird fish that had arms and legs

The aquarium had an anaconda, Bob is standing
at the other end to show how long he was,
Sarah is showing how big he can get!

Piranhas, honestly, their teeth were kinda tiny.....


A cool turtle

Some giant South American fish (it was as big as their sharks!)

I'm obviously much taller! ha ha
Awe cute little Sarah, she's the size of a penguin

Bob and I canoeing through the Amazon

One of the little sharks coming right at us

Sarah and I eaten by a shark

It's okay, Bob was eaten too!

 We found Nemo!

One of the tanks full of tropical fish

Some fish that kept rubbing up against everything

A Lion fish

Me petting one of the mini sharks

The shark I got to pet

Me trying to reach the sting ray

Petting the shark again

Sarah petting the shark

Petting the sting ray

Sarah petting the sting ray

That is my pinkie finger, the little white thing holding onto the
green plants is a mini sea horse the size of my fingernail!

More sea horses

Apparently Sarah's crab cakes weren't enough at brunch, she
needs some lobster too

Sorry it's dark, we couldn't use flash. This is
Sarah standing next to the giant octopus that
was suckered onto the glass

Another picture of the giant octopus

One of the otters swimming by

This movie is of the shark tank and the sea turtle!