Thursday, October 25, 2012

Name Changes, Thank You Notes and Babies!

Sorry for anyone tuning in expecting pictures from our wedding or honeymoon. This last week Bob and I have been house sitting so I haven't had the DVD's with the honeymoon pictures or my laptop in order to blog those, and Jeanine is still working away at the wedding pictures (there were a lot) so I can't blog those... Luckily I have had plenty of time to work on getting other after wedding items finished. We found all our gifts that we got multiples of and returned the extras, met with Jeanine to look thru all the unedited pictures from our wedding day, we have written most of our thank you notes, my dress is at the cleaner, the tuxes are returned as is the PA system, my car is cleaned out and my new social security card finally came so I can continue the process of changing my name! There is still a lot to be done, but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, soon Bob and I will be able to settle into a normal married routine.

For the most part Bob and I have settled back into a daily routine now that we are both back to work, however we were only home for a week or so before we temporarily took up residence in Ryan's house while they are on vacation. I'm pretty sure our pets are going to forget who I am. They still see Bob everyday since he goes home each morning and evening to feed them and make sure everything is okay (and cuddle them for hours...), but since I'm so close to my work right now, I haven't made the trip home on the weekdays and I'm really beginning to miss my snuggle buddies! I was missing them so much in fact that I had to go see my new best friend Chelsea's new baby, Benton, to get a snuggle fix! Okay, I didn't have to go, but I really wanted to see my new honarary nephew, I felt like a horrible aunt not seeing him the first week he was born! As you can see in the pictures below (sorry about the bad quality, pictures are from my phone), he is adorable, and too precious for words! I love him already! Before anyone asks, yes it tugged at my heart strings, yes it made me a little baby hungry, but Bob and I know we want to finish our schooling before starting a family so we won't be trying anytime soon, Sorry Rachel and Kelsey!

Baby Benton Rasor born 10-12-12
Holding Benton for the first time (1 week 4 days old)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My First Post as a Wife, and as a Loose!

Well it's official, I'm married to the love of my life, Bob Loose! It's honestly still a little surreal since we just got home and back to normal life a few days ago, but it's wonderful! The wedding was beautiful, and perfect, and worth all the stress and money LOL. We were just happy to make it official and be surrounded by our loved ones! Cozumel was also beautiful, we were at the airport at 4 in the morning on Friday and so we were in Cozumel by 1PM. Our first day we were pretty tired so after getting unpacked, eating a quick supper and kayaking by the shore for a bit we went upstairs to take a nap. Little did we know it would be a 10 hour nap and we wouldn't wake up again until 3AM! Regardless of it being dark, and the resort being empty Bob and I thought it would be nice to explore the resort a little (maybe not such a great idea since there are crabs and mosquitos everywhere). The next day we continued our exploring and did a little snorkeling but this time with the sun out to guide us. Saturday and Sunday were both relaxing days for us at the resort, and we made a lot of new friends, Jack and Alice from Idaho, Bruce from Cali, Lauren and Austin from Oklahoma and Joy and Troy from Cali. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them throughout the week. Monday Bob and I took a ferry over to Playa de Carmen to do a tour of the Tulum Mayan ruins, which was fun but very very hot and humid. Luckily right after we did our exploring of the ruins we went snorkeling in a Cenote (an underground river). The water was freazing, but it was a nice break from the heat so we didn't mind! Unfortunately for me I was having a little bit of a panic attack down there, it was dark and an extremely enclosed area and before I even made it the water our tour guide said he needed to check the water for gators before we could get in (Bob says he was joking, but I'm not so sure...) After cooling off in the Cenote, Bob and I went and got harnessed up so we could zipline thru the rain forest and reppel from the reppelling tour, both of which were so much fun! After reppelling we were given a great lunch and then set free in Playa de Carmen to shop before going back to the resort. On Tuesday I ditched my new husband to go scuba diving for a few hours. Cozumel is home to some of the most beautiful reefs in the world (2nd only to the great barrier reef) so naturally I couldn't go home without diving at least once! While I was down there I saw a sea turtle, thousands of fish in every color of the rainbow, tons of huge crabs and lobsters and a big mean looking baracuda. Tuesday Bob and I also went snorkeling by our resort, still lots of fish but no baracuda's there! On Wednesday Bob and I and another couple in the resort took a cab to the local dolphin and manatee exhibit. There we were able to get in the water and swim with the dolphins and manatees which was a once in a lifetime experience! We were in absolute awe of these amazing creatures, and our hour with them went by far too quickly (Bob jokes that I should be a dolphin trainer, I'm seriously considering it...). After swimming with the dolphins we went back to the resort to relax, but there was a commotion on the beach so we went down to check it out. Turns out there was a 5-6 foot long crocodile swimming in the water directly in front of our resort! It was a little unsettling considering how many times we wandered aimlessly into the water without thinking about being eaten... Thursday Bob and I went down to the ferry to catch a catamaran and go snorkeling at the Palancar Reefs. As we boarded our boat we were told the tour we booked normally had 100-130 people, but since it was the off season and it was a little rainy it would just be us and one other couple that day! It was great, we snorkeled with our own private guide (who could somehow free dive 30-40 feet to pick up shells), we saw 4 sting rays, and lots of fish, and supposedly a shark (I didnt see it). Afterward they took us to a private beach to paddle board, eat and play in the water. It was amazing! On the catamaran ride back to town we even saw these little fish that would jump out of the water and soar over the waves 40-50 feet. We asked the captain and he said they were called flying fish and when they say the catamarans coming they look like big baracuda so they hurry and fly away, who knew? Friday Bob and I both woke up feeling a little under the weather so stayed at the resort and did some painting and relaxing, we snorkeled a little and looked for sea shells. That night all of us honeymooners took a cab into town to a nice mexican restaurant for one last hurra together, the food was delicious, the company great and the entertainment mesmerizing! It was the perfect end to a perfect honeymoon. Saturday came far too quickly so we boarded our flight and headed home. We had a nice 4 hour layover in Dallas/Fort Worth to reflect on the fun we had, the friends we made and most of all how happy we were to get home to our family, friends and of course all our animals! Now that we are back we have our work cut out for us. We have the official marriage certificate back, so I need to take it and use it to start the fun process of changing my name legally, we also have to start hammering out thank you notes, and I need to get together with my photographer to go thru all the wedding pictures so she knows which ones we want edited. Since this post is already really long, and I'm not done uploading all the honeymoon or wedding pictures I have decided not to include pictures with this post. However as soon as I finish getting the honeymoon loaded on my computer expect one big picture post, and another big picture post as soon as we get all our wedding photos back, so stay tuned! Thanks for reading
                                                                                             -Brittney Loose