Thursday, August 30, 2012

Finally moving again...

Here's my weekly update on the wedding. Over the last week or so, we really got down to business with wedding planning. Bob and I are still waiting on his passport to come in the mail, and the rings are ordered! We also picked out most of our songs, so now we just need to put them together into a playlist and figure out if we are going to have a DJ, band or just hook up an iPod. We designed our cake as well, and will be handing that over to Ryan soon. We also got most of our invites addressed, and we are ready to send those out. We are trying to get addresses for Bob's family though, so we are a little behind on getting those invites sent out. This week we will hopefully get those invites addressed and sent, as well as we will apply for our marriage license, and we will get the tuxes done. This weekend Bob's family is all going to come and help put the finishing touches on the backyard. Sunday my maid of honor Sarah will be throwing Bob and I an engagement party, which I'm excited for since all of my best friends will be there, and I don't see them often anymore with all the wedding planning and what not. Afterward I will be meeting with my photographer, Jeanine, to go thru my bridals and pick out the ones I like the most to be edited. I'm excited to see how they all turned out! The most exciting part of this last week though, was probably the bridal shower my family put together for me. We had a great turn out from both Bob's family and mine, and we ended up with some great gifts! Thank you everyone who came out and showed support!

The three women who planned it all, my sisters Kelsey, Rachel and Savannah

Chelsea, my Aunts Debbie and Karen and my cousin Jenny waiting for presents

Some of the earlier guests waiting for everyone else to arrive

More of my early guests

My little cousin Brooke being turned into a toilet paper bride

My sister Savannah turning my niece Mimi into a toilet papers bride

My cousin Stephanie having a little bit too much fun with the left over toilet papers

Everyone's favorite part of the shower- Time to open presents

Checking out one of my amazing gifts

Getting ready to open the last gift

Showing off the pots and pans from my parents and sisters

Showing off one of my many gift cards

Chelsea, one of my best friends

Savannah Shiveley, my long-time neighbor and adopted sister.

My sister Kelsey and I posing in the Sashes she made for us.

Posing with Bob's cousin Meadow

Posing with my very preggers bestie Chelsea!

Posing with the Party planners themselves, my sisters!

Monday, August 20, 2012

No more excuses, no more procrastination!

Yesterday I got my bridal pictures taken. Jeanine was amazing, I was so comfortable and able to let loose, so I think she was able to get some really amazing shots! I really can't wait to see how they turn out. We started out at her home studio with a classic black backdrop. Then we took some shots with a vintage looking backdrop before heading out to the salt flats. I fully anticipated my dress getting salty while shooting out there, but I didn't know my feet would sink in the salt to make watery puddles... Now I guess I have to go get the salt water cleaned from my dress before the wedding. Just one more thing to add to my ever growing list!

For those of you who were wondering- I have two bridal showers coming up. The family shower is this Saturday, the 25th from 2-4. The invites were a little late going out on the Loose side, so if you expected an invite but you still don't receive one by Saturday, please feel free to come anyway. For my friends, My best friend/Maid-of-honor Sarah Tran has planned a bridal shower/engagement party for Sunday, September 2nd from 10 AM to 1 PM. It will be at our friend Anya's house, and rather than invitations, you should have received an evite via facebook. Please let me know if you didn't get one, and I can make sure it gets sent. It's co-ed, so feel free to bring your significant other, and it's just going to be a casual get together for both Bob and I with our friends. For my special ladies, Sarah is also planning on throwing me a bachellorette party for later in September. So far it is looking like Friday, September 21st, but nothing is set in stone yet. It will be later at night, so if you work days, you won't have to take work off. We are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond as well as Target.

Other updates- Bob submitted all of his passport information, and did his interveiw a couple weeks back, so we are still playing the waiting game. We have a destination picked out, but we don't want to book the honeymoon until Bob's passport comes-Just to be safe. It also turns out Bob's brother Ryan, may be able to do the ceremony after all, so we have our fingers crossed that we won't have to find a last minute officiant. Bob also has found a co-worker who's band might be interested in playing at our wedding, and if not there is a neighbor who is willing to lend us great speakers that we will just hook up to my iPod. Invitations should be sent out soon, but unfortuately I have been a bit of a slacker and haven't been able to address the invites yet... Sorry, it wasn't one of the things on the top of my priority list until now. Also on the top of my priority list, wedding rings. That's right, Bob and I have not picked out our rings yet, and now that we are down to the wire, it looks like we have two options. Buy the rings right from the case, and get them sized, or go to a jeweler and have a custom ring made asap. (The manufactorer rings that are made in bulk apparently take 6-8 weeks, but custom made rings only 1-2? It didn't make sense to me either, but thats what I was told at the jeweler over the weekend) Also at the top of my list, apply for the marriage license. I don't want to take a chance and put it off and then not get it by the wedding, so I'm planning on getting it by the beginning of September. Bob is also going to go get the guys tuxes soon, and Bob and I are going to plan out our vows, song list and order our guestbook (we are using shutterfly to make a book with our engagement pictures) all -hopefully- in the next 2 weeks! Other than that, I think we are down to planning the little details, finishing the yard work at my parents and making all the DIY crafts we planned for the wedding. I'm going to be a busy busy girl! I can't believe there is only 1 month and 1 week left until I become Mrs. Loose! EEP! I'm so excited!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Flowers, and Showers

I finally got my flowers done! There was a lot of back and forth with my mom and I, but we have finally decided on a florist and we decided on our flowers. The deposit is paid, flowers picked out and a pick up time set! It looks like I'm going to have a cascading bouquet of roses, day lillies, calla lillies, and daisies in Autumn colors. It really sounded like a beautiful bouquet and I can't wait to see the final product! My mom and I also got a lot of the decorations decided for the wedding, so now it is much easier to picture what my wedding day will actually look like :)

For all my family members (and soon-to-be family members) who would like advance notice about the wedding shower so that you can plan around it- The date has officially been set for Saturday, August 25th. The shower will be between 2-4 PM at my parents ward house in South Jordan (10227 South 4000 West). Invitations will be sent out soon, but I do know that sometimes the mail gets lost or delayed so if you don't get an invite, but you planned on coming, please come anyway. For my friends there will be another shower/engagement party at a later date, so please allow me to spend this time with my family. I have a large family and Bob has a large family, so there will already be a lot of people there to meet me or spend time with me without me being distracted by a room full of my friends. Thanks!

We are also really close to finally booking our honeymoon! Thanks to Bob's mom Marcie, and his grandma's gracious loan to us, we have the money to pay for our honeymoon! We have a certain destination picked out, but Bob needs his passport for us to go so we are waiting until it comes to officially book it. I would hate to pay for a honeymoon that we can't go on... He has everything filled out, and ready to go so now it's just a waiting game!

Today we also got a final statement from our apartment complex along with (wait for it) A CHECK for almost $200. I didn't think we would get any money from our deposit back since we had pets and we painted the walls, but I guess Bob and I rock at cleaning and painting! Nothing is better than surprise money while planning a wedding!