Sunday, May 18, 2014

Threatening Phone Calls

Wow! What a roller coaster of a week I've had!

The week took it's first downward turn when I got to work one day only to discover that my new boss may be leaving us already. I have to mention that Shamae is the 6th manager I've had in 3 years and she is easily the best one. She is the first manager who could break the news that I was doing something the wrong way in a kind and professional manner, the first one to give me real feedback on how I was doing, the first one to give me honest expectations and the first one to listen to my concerns and actually do something about them. In her short time as my manager I have grown to trust and respect her fully. Unfortunately her boss Jason sees things differently and doesn't like the way she is doing her job. He gave her the option to be demoted to her old position in the company or be fired the next time he didn't like something she did. Since she has a family to support, she had to take the safer option. She will be here until either Jason changes his mind or a replacement is found and trained. I really hope the next manager I get is as good as she has been, because the boss I had just before her had me on the verge of quitting!

Luckily as the week went on, things slowly improved even with the thought of losing Shamae weighing heavily on my mind. We had a fun event at work called "Grow Together" where everyone in the warehouse came together to plant flowers in front of our building, paint hand prints on a canvas and eat cookies. Shamae even seemed to be making some headway with Jason! That's when I got "The Call"....

One morning a restricted phone number called my phone. I don't normally answer these calls but purely out of curiosity I decided to answer this one. As soon as I said Hello a male voice on the other end told me "I need you to listen very carefully. If you comply with all our demands, no one needs to get hurt." I didn't say anything. I just hung up immediately and called my dad. He assured me that it was probably a sick joke and nothing more, so I didn't need to worry about anything. While I was on the phone with him though, the mysterious caller called back and left me a voicemail. The voicemail went something like this:

"Listen you f**cking b**ch, you think you can just hang up on us? Do you want to live, or do you want to die? We know who you are. We know where you work. We know where you live. We have been following you for weeks. You will be given 2 hours to comply with all our demands. You will answer the phone when we call back. You will regret ever f**cking messing with us if you don't"

After listening to this message, my stomach dropped and my heart started pounding. I felt like I was stuck in a bad movie and I didn't know what to do. I ran upstairs and played the voicemail for my Father-in-law. He wanted to make a call to his son Ryan, who's a lawyer before we did anything. While he and Ryan spoke about what to do, I called my dad back. Both my dad and Ryan said that with a threat like this I needed to call the police right away. As soon as we hung up, that's what we did, called the police! The dispatch office took the threat very seriously and said they were sending an officer right away. While waiting for the officer to come, I called work. I wanted to let them know what was happening in case I was late to work. As soon as I hung up with the office, the police officer showed up. The officer took my statement and listened to the voicemail. She gave me a case number and a direct line to the dispatch office. She told me to watch for any suspicious activity over the next few days whether it be a car following me, vandalism to my car or home or anything else out of the ordinary. She then told me that they had heard of similar phone calls being part of a phone scam to scare people into wiring money. Since they didn't actually describe my home, work place or car she was fairly certain that the scammers didn't actually know me. She said I could go about my day as normal and then she proceeded to sit outside my house in her cruiser until I left for work. When I got to work I found out that Jason was worried about me and my safety so he hired a security officer to be my personal body guard at work that night. While the guard that came was old, slow moving and carrying an oxygen tank and therefore probably useless in the event that something actually happened, I was grateful to have the company that night. So far nothing more has come of the phone call. I never heard back from the mysterious caller, nothing out of the ordinary has happened and I have had time to calm down but it was still terrifying at the time!

This weekend had me back on the up and up! It started Saturday with my amazing niece Katie's end of school ballroom recital. She is in the social dance class this year so she only had the one dance but she has liked it so much that she tried out for the JV Ballroom Team for next year. Right after the recital she found out that SHE MADE IT!! It was so much fun watching her dance and watching how excited she was to make the team. I'm proud of the beautiful young lady she is turning into, and selfishly happy she has taken an interest in ballroom since I did ballroom in high school as well. After her recital I stopped by the new RC Willey by Ikea and entered all their drawings. Keep your fingers crossed I win something good! They just so happened to be having a puppy adoption event as well so I had to browse the puppies while I was there. I can't wait for the day I can take one home! Finally I saw an open house sign and followed it to a cute little rambler in Riverton. I loved the house, but it will be out of our price range for sure. I did however talk to the owner and discover that his realtor "is amazing" and can "work miracles" to get Bob and I into a home we love. I took down all her information and Bob and I will be calling her next week! Hopefully this guy was right and she really does help us find our perfect starter home!


Later that night Chelsea brought Benton over for us to watch while her and Garrett enjoyed a much needed date night. This is the first time we have seen the little squirt since we watched him for a full week during their vacation 2 weeks ago and it's amazing to see how much has already changed. We played with some of the same toys and puzzles we played with before but now he has mastered them! He has also learned all his shapes! We could just ask him which one of his blocks was the triangle, square, rectangle, diamond, circle, oval or star and he would hold up the right one EVERY time! He is such a smart little bugger! Finally we made him some spaghetti for dinner, which was of course fun to feed him, and put a movie on so he would relax and fall asleep. He was such a little cuddle bug and fell asleep right away!

This morning Bob and I struggled waking up and getting ready for the day, but we finally did just in time to make our way to Shelby's house to help her and Tyson move. They have decided to move out of the town home they are leasing and into her parents basement while they save up money for the down payment on a house. They didn't have anyone else to help them move, so Bob and I agreed to help. After all, with any luck, we will be needing help moving soon too!

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